Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Alright yea, i'm still ever so obsessed with Derek. Here are his latest pics, during my surprise birthday. Please ignore the crazy gal in green top acting in neurotic ways in the pictures.....=)
Small boy with big cake.....and big task -- To surprise Xinpei cheh-cheh....

Ah Yi (or more affectionately known as Empress) was all smiles!!

SURPRISE SURPRISE~~~ And the tears started flowing......(Derek looks freaked out)

Me: Still crying~~ wah-wah-wah
Derek: Who is this crazy cheh-cheh who just can't stop crying??

Mama says" Go, wish Xinpei cheh-cheh happy birthday...."

Awww.....look how he has grown...
10:57 AM;
Thursday, October 18, 2007
OMG~~!! Can't believe I looked so "gin-na" in the past!!

Pretty girls~~ CPCF Grads 2005 &2006

Wahaha, thanx gals....
"And friends are friends forever, if the Lord's the Lord of them.....Through the Father's hands we know, that a lifetime's not too long to be as friends..."
3:51 PM;
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
And the best gift anyone could have is.....??
The gift of life. There was a new lease of life on my 21st birthday. A dear, good old (oh well, she's not really that OLD) fren who came to aussieland with me decided to give her life th Christ that very day.
I'm always thinking how it would be like when a fren/family that you have been praying for comes to know God. Will I watch from afar as they respond to the call? Will I pump my fists into the air and scream "oh yea baby" whilst hopping around? Will I shed tears of joy? Or will I be just calm and steady, an image that was never me?
The answer is: All of the above (Ding-dong Ding-dong) Well, for the record, I wasn't even there to witness such an amazing feat. The revelation dropped when she spotted me from across the auditorium and trudged towards me. She was like, "I tell you something.... I just accepted Christ." And all my thoughts and emotions just welled up inside me again. Within me, I was pumping my fists into the air and screaming, yet even deeper within I was a state of serene; Outside I was beginning to shed tears......
Its hard to imagine. All these is truly grace. And I'm thankful for this grace that has given new life that day. A new life for xuan. A renewed life for me.
10:49 PM;
Thursday, October 04, 2007
It’s been an amazing period. Powerful. Life-changing.
It all started with the literal coming of age, the dawning of 21 years on this planet. First off, the celebrations:
One thing I had wanted very much: to see and hold Derek once again. And to even contact his mum/dad….I really do miss them, but even more so, was because I realized I truly love these people – people whom used to cause so much pain to me (and vice versa I guess =) . I had wanted use my birthday as an “excuse” to invite and meet up with them. And thus, I was adamant/stubborn about planning my birthday celebrations. Plus my frens, J5 and all were busy busy busy with mid-semester tests. So I had believed that the best way is for me to plan something to bless everyone.
Working on this, I told my plans to xuan, kel and Yvonne. Knowing that mam, amidst all her schedules may have something up her sleeve, I decided to tell her of my plans. Here’s briefly the conversation:
“Hi mam, I wanto plan a birthday bbq…all of you are busy, so u all just need to come and eat in the evening. Also, I can invite a few other frens”
“Wahaha, Maria, u stay at home…..”
“No, I really wanto do so…”
“U guai guai stay home, wear nicely….”
“But…..I made plans already…..(slightly pissed)”
“plz plz plz……stay at home….dun go anywhere…(sounding desperate)”
I relented after this. But deep down I was quite upset. Upset that I wun see Derek. Still…that was what I did. Guai guai stay at home.
On Friday night, xuan said she was going to meet me for dinner to celebrate my birthday. So I was bored to tears the entire Saturday. Watching the clock tick by slowly. It was a v sian and depressed feeling. At 5.40pm, someone knocked at the door. Surprise surprise, it was xuan…and kel and yikai!! I was showered with birthday presents: A cushion, a bouquet of flowers. Even shepherd has left me a nicely wrapped prez before she left!!
I followed them out of the house. Halfway through, xuan took out a blindfold and insisted I put it on. From then, my suspicions about a secret birthday celebration were confirmed.
It was scary, but exciting, as I was led blindfolded. Eventually, I could hear noises, and water and a familiar laughter! Da ge!! I was finally allowed to remove the blindfold. It all came in a flash. The sight of Sophia and gang, Cheryn and gang….I was truly touched and surprised. Little did I know that the “best is yet to be (ACS motto)”.
After expressing my delight, we started to play a game. In the game, 1 person will be blindfolded, and is supposed to touch another person’s face/hand/feet and guess who the person is. I was the last among them to go, and when it was my turn, it seemed that I was blindfolded for an extremely long time. Finally, xuan was like, “alright, I’ll let you see who you have been touching….”
Pop! My eyes were opened. Pop! My heart fluttered.
Derek was holding a birthday cake before me, his innocent, bright eyes looking at me. At this sight, and at the sight of J5 surrounding me, tears just burst forth and I couldn’t stop crying. Thank you so much for this experience. Dreams do come true.
After Derek and Empress left, the bbq started. Next thing I knew, a song/rap presentation was up. And the rest, as they say, is history. It’s all just a click away, on
5:56 PM;