Looked at the date today......Just realised that I've been back in Singapore for 1 month already!! Thank God I survived the ordeal.....I'm at the cross-roads of life now, deciding lots of things, praying about lots of things.
Had a chat with Fang Ying not too long ago, asking her what she did and what made her chose her paths when she was at my position several years ago. What she said was amazing...."It does not matter really what decision u make, it is the process that is more important..." And yea, its true. Life is a journey, not a destination....
Attended the JUMP concert on Saturday. It was amazing!! I really felt God speaking to me during that time. About His amazing love, and how I should be looking onto Him, looking upon Him in all circumstances, no matter where I am or who I am with =)
"Trust in the Lord your God with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;
In all your ways acknowledge him,
and He will make your paths straight."
Proverbs 3:5-6